Christmas is Upon Us!

Dear Readers,

I pray all is well for you and your families this holiday season. Christmas and New Year’s celebrations can take a ton of our time and money. Please remember the reason for the season, which is Christ’s birth. Without that miraculous event the church and Christianity wouldn’t be here as we know it.

Sorry for the sparsely posted notes for “In God’s Holy Word: The Study”. With Christmas around the corner and random shots at work it is nearly impossible for me to find regular times to sit down to read and write. This isn’t the only writing project of mine that is suffering lately. My novel, The Traveller’s Paradox, seems to be moving along like a snail with one chapter written every two to three months.

It is my hope and prayer that time will be found in the new year. Only God knows. Stay tuned for more updates and more of God’s Holy Word and Prayer Challenges.

God bless you and yours,
